A 83-a editie a Premiilor Oscar poate fi urmarita in direct si in exclusivitate in varianta originala, nedublata, la HBO, luni 28 februarie 2011, de la ora 3.00 dimineata. Pe 1 martie, de la ora 20.00, HBO va transmite versiunea editata si subtitrata a mult asteptatei gale. Gazdele Galei Premiilor Oscar 2011 sunt Anne Hathaway si James Franco. Ceremonia va avea loc la Teatrul Kodak din Hollywood, Los Angeles. Iata mai jos lista completa a nominalizatilor la Oscar de anul acesta:
Cel mai bun film de lung-metraj: Black Swan; The Fighter; Inception; The Kids Are All Right; The King’s Speech; 127 Hours; The Social Network; Toy Story 3 ; True Grit; Winter’s Bone
Cel mai bun actor într-un rol principal: Colin Firth pentru The King’s Speech; Javier Bardem pentru Biutiful; Jeff Bridges pentru True Grit; Jesse Eisenberg pentru The Social Network; James Franco pentru 127 Hours
Cel mai bun actor într-un rol secundar: Christian Bale pentru The Fighter; John Hawkes pentru Winter’s Bone ; Jeremy Renner pentru The Town; Mark Ruffalo pentru The Kids Are All Right; Geoffrey Rush pentru The King’s Speech
Cea mai bună actriţă într-un rol principal: Annette Bening pentru The Kids Are All Right; Nicole Kidman pentru Rabbit Hole; Jennifer Lawrence pentru Winter’s Bone; Natalie Portman pentru Black Swan; Michelle Williams pentru Blue Valentine
Cea mai bună actriţă într-un rol secundar: Amy Adams pentru The Fighter; Helena Bonham Carter pentru The King’s Speech; Melissa Leo pentru The Fighter; Hailee Steinfeld pentru True Grit; Jacki Weaver pentru Animal Kingdom
Cel mai bun film de animaţie (lung metraj): How to Train Your Dragon; The Illusionist; Toy Story 3
Cea mai bună regie: Black Swan: Darren Aronofsky; The Fighter: David O. Russell; The King’s Speech: Tom Hooper; The Social Network: David Fincher True Grit: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
Cel mai bun film într-o limbă străină: Biutiful (Mexic); Dogtooth (Grecia); In a Better World (Danemarca); Incendies (Canada); Outside the Law / Hors-la-loi (Algeria)
Cel mai bun scenariu-adaptare: 127 Hours: Danny Boyle, Simon Beaufoy; The Social Network: Aaron Sorkin; Toy Story 3: Michael Arndt; True Grit: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen; Winter’s Bone: Debra Granik, Anne Rosellini
Cel mai bun scenario: Another Year: Mike Leigh; The Fighter: Scott Silver, Paul Tamasy, Eric Johnson; Inception: Christopher Nolan ; The Kids Are All Right: Lisa Cholodenko, Stuart Blumberg; The King’s Speech: David Seidler
Cea mai bună scenografie: Alice in Wonderland: Robert Stromberg, Karen O’Hara; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1: Stuart Craig, Stephenie McMillan; Inception: Guy Hendrix Dyas, Larry Dias, Doug Mowat; The King’s Speech: Eve Stewart, Judy Farr; True Grit: Jess Gonchor, Nancy Haigh
Cea mai bună imagine: Black Swan: Matthew Libatique; Inception: Wally Pfister ;The King’s Speech: Danny Cohen; The Social Network: Jeff Cronenweth; True Grit: Roger Deakins
Cele mai bune costume: Alice in Wonderland: Colleen Atwood; I Am Love: Antonella Cannarozzi; The King’s Speech: Jenny Beavan; The Tempest: Sandy Powell; True Grit: Mary Zophres
Cel mai bun film documentar (lung metraj): Exit through the Gift Shop: Banksy şi Jaimie D’Cruz; Gasland: Josh Fox, Trish Adlesic; Inside Job: Charles Ferguson, Audrey Marrs; Restrepo: Tim Hetherington, Sebastian Junger; Waste Land: Lucy Walker, Angus Aynsley
Cel mai bun film documentar (scurt metraj): Killing in the Name; Poster Girl ; Strangers No More; Sun Come Up; The Warriors of Qiugang
Cel mai bun montaj: Black Swan: Andrew Weisblum; The Fighter: Pamela Martin; The King’s Speech: Tariq Anwar; 127 Hours: Jon Harris; The Social Network: Angus Wall, Kirk Baxter
Cel mai bun machiaj: Barney’s Version: Adrien Morot; The Way Back: Edouard F. Henriques, Gregory Funk, Yolanda Toussieng; The Wolfman: Rick Baker, Dave Elsey
Cea mai bună coloană sonoră originală: How to Train Your Dragon: John Powell; Inception: Hans Zimmer; The King’s Speech: Alexandre Desplat; 127 Hours: A.R. Rahman; The Social Network: Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross
Cea mai bună melodie originală: Country Strong: Tom Douglas, Troy Verges, Hillary Lindsey (“Coming Home”); Tangled: Alan Menken, Glenn Slater (“I See the Light”); 127 Hours: A.R. Rahman, Dido, Rollo Armstrong (“If I Rise”); Toy Story 3: Randy Newman (“We Belong Together”)
Cel mai bun film de animaţie (scurt metraj): Day & Night; The Gruffalo; Let’s Pollute; The Lost Thing; Madagascar, carnet de voyage / Madagascar, a Journey Diary
Cel mai bun film de scurt metraj (live action): The Confession; The Crush; God of Love; Na Wewe; Wish 143
Cel mai bun montaj de sunet: Inception: Richard King; Toy Story 3: Tom Myers, Michael Silvers; Tron: Legacy: Gwendolyn Yates Whittle, Addison Teague; True Grit: Skip Lievsay, Craig Berkey; Unstoppable: Mark P. Stoeckinger
Cel mai bun mixaj de sunet: Inception: Lora Hirschberg, Gary A. Rizzo, Ed Novick; The King’s Speech: Paul Hamblin, Martin Jensen, John Midgley ; Salt: Jeffrey J. Haboush, Greg P. Russell, Scott Millan, William Sarokin; The Social Network: Ren Klyce, David Parker, Michael Semanick, Mark Weingarten; True Grit: Skip Lievsay, Craig Berkey, Greg Orloff, Peter F. Kurland
Cele mai bune efecte speciale: Alice in Wonderland: Ken Ralston, David Schaub, Carey Villegas, Sean Phillips; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1: Tim Burke, John Richardson, Christian Manz, Nicolas Aithadi: Hereafter: Michael Owens, Bryan Grill, Stephan Trojanski, Joe Farrell; Inception: Paul Franklin, Chris Corbould, Andrew Lockley, Peter Bebb; Iron Man 2: Janek Sirrs, Ben Snow, Ged Wright, Daniel Sudick
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