Anul 2018 aduce cu sine o colaborare neasteptata intre Sting, legenda muzicii rock, si cunoscutul interpret de reggae, Shaggy. Single-ul „Don’t Make Me Wait”, nascut prin asocierea celor doi artisti internationali, este o combinatie surprinzatoare de sunete caraibiene, menite sa trezeasca toate simturile ascultatorilor.
„Don’t Make Me Wait” este primul single extras de pe albumul intitulat „44/876”, album ce marcheaza colaborarea dintre Sting si Shaggy si elogiaza dragostea profunda a celor doi artisti pentru muzica, spiritul vibrant al oamenilor si al culturii jamaicane.
Sting si Shaggy s-au cunoscut prin intermediul lui Martin Kierszenbaum, managerul lui Sting, iar colaborarea s-a concretizat imediat dupa ce Sting a auzit o noua piesa la care Shaggy lucra. Planul initial a inclus doar lansarea track-ului „Don’t Make Me Wait”, insa compatibilitatea artistica dintre cei doi a facut ca versurile si liniile melodice sa curga si ,in acest fel, asa a luat nastere un intreg album, care urmeaza a fi lansat in luna aprilie a acestui an.
Sting si Shaggy au scris si inregistrat impreuna timp de cateva saptamani in New York, aducand la viata muzica ce combina ritmuri caraibiene, moderne si traditionale, cu energia specifica genurilor pop si rock.
Celor doi li s-au alaturat in studio muzicieni si compozitori din Jamaica si New York – Robbie Shakespeare, Dwayne „iLLwayno” Shippy, Shane Hoosong, Machine Gun Funk, Patexx, Tyrantula, dar si chitaristul lui Sting, Dominic Miller. Aceste sesiuni au fost produse de Sting International, care a mai colaborat in trecut cu Shaggy pentru hit-uri globale precum „Boombastic” si „It Wasn’t Me”.
Sting si Shaggy au interpretat noul single, „Don’t Make Me Wait”, in fata a 20.000 de fani din Kingston, Jamaica, in cadrul concertului caritabil „Shaggy and Friends”. De asemenea, cei doi au filmat si videoclipul single-ului, ce are actiunea plasata in inima capitalei Jamaicai, videoclip regizat de Gil Green.
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Sursa video: YouTube
Versuri Don’t make me wait, Shaggy & Sting:
Don’t make me wait
Don’t make me wait in vain
Can’t wait to give you my last name
Don’t make me wait in vain girl
Don’t make me wait
Don’t make me wait to love, to love
To love you
Don’t make me wait
Don’t make me wait to love, to love
To love you
It didn’t take me long to fall in love with your mind
And I won’t even mention the way your body perfectly designed, so fine
And judging from your outlook on life
I knew this would be more than just one night
But now I’m ready for the next level
Are you telling me you need more time?
No crime
Nothing wrong with waiting a little bit
You know this is more to me than just hitting it
But you only get a love like this once in a lifetime
And if this is our chance I ain’t missing it
My whole life I ain’t ever felt like this
Just want to run with it, I don’t want to fight this
I ain’t rushing you to make up your mind Just wanna to put some more quality ina we time
Come on girl
Don’t make me wait
Don’t make me wait to love, to love
To love you
I can’t wait no to love ya
Don’t make me wait
Don’t make me wait to love, to love
To love you
I don’t want you think I’m rushing you
I know you like to take your time
I’m already sold on the idea of you and I
Just tell me where I need to sign
Coz I’ve been searching for a while girl
And I know what works for me, oh-oh
All I need to know if this is what you want girl
Coz I’m already where I need to be
So don’t make me wait
Don’t make me wait
Don’t make me wait to love, to love
To love you
I can’t wait too long girl
Don’t make me wait
Don’t make me wait to love, to love
To love you
You don’t want to rush and I don’t want to take my time
I’m putting everything on the line
They say that true love’s hard to fine
I’m ready now to make you mine
Don’t make me wait, baby now
Baby now, don’t make me wait
Don’t make me wait, baby now
Baby now, don’t make me wait
Don’t make me wait
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